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시애틀N 최신 기사를 보시려면 여기를 클릭하세요

시애틀 벨뷰 통합 한국학교 학부모회


작성일 : 19-10-20 15:31
나를 위한 시간, 커리어를 다시 찾고 싶은, 경력있는 한인 엄마들을 초대합니다.
 글쓴이 : 심플스텝스
조회 : 4,012  
   https://forms.gle/3L7SVTPCAMh4Hxr67 [540]

미국으로 이주한 경력 보유 여성들의 커리어 개발을 지원하는 비영리단체, 심플 스텝스입니다.
지난 6월, 심플스텝스 파운더 김도연씨와의 첫 만남에 이어
시애틀 식구들만의 두번째 모임을 마련하게 되었습니다.
미국으로 이주하신 후 비자, 육아 등의 이유로 사회활동을 중단하신 분들,
언젠가 다시 일을 하고 싶지만 무엇부터 어떻게 시작해야 할지 막막한 분들,
엄마가 아닌 ‘나’로서의 시간을 찾고 싶은 분들,
앞으로 미국에서의 커리어 개발에 대해 고민하는 모든 분들을 위한 자리입니다.
시애틀 지역의 경력보유 여성들의 커뮤니티를 만들어가는데 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.
[일시]  11/2(토) 1-3 PM
[장소]  Capital One Cafe (333 Westlake Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109)
[모임 내용]
# Simple Steps 소개
  :  샌프란시스코에서 시작된 Simple Steps (simplestepscc.org)가 지난 2년 동안 이루었던 활동과 성과, 현재 진행중인 프로젝트를 간략하게 설명합니다.
# Mini Talk
  :  “Returning to Work After a Career Gap (일터로 돌아가기 위한 첫걸음)” 에 대한 강의가 있습니다.
# Networking
 : 워크샵, 스터디 그룹, 프로젝트 등 앞으로 함께 할 수 있는 활동들에 대한 이야기가 이루어질 예정입니다.
[사전 등록]
심플 스텝스 시애틀 모임에 참여를 원하시는 분들은 아래의 링크로 꼭 등록해주세요!

hsolchand 24-11-05 02:37
답변 삭제  
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the blog. If you're as curious as I am about finding solutions, don't miss my latest post—it's packed with useful insights and practical tips. Stay tuned for more exciting content, and I look forward to sharing more thought-provoking pieces with you soon!

ADT Doorbell Installation

Installing your ADT doorbell is a straightforward process, but it’s important to follow the correct steps to ensure proper functionality. Begin by mounting the doorbell bracket. Start by selecting a location near your front door, typically at eye level, to ensure it captures a clear view of visitors. Use a level to make sure the bracket is aligned, and then use a drill to attach it securely to the wall.

Next, connect the wiring. If you’re replacing an existing doorbell, the wiring should already be in place, and you can connect the wires to the terminals on the ADT doorbell unit. Make sure the connections are secure and there are no exposed wires. If you’re installing a new doorbell where no wiring is available, you may need to hire a professional electrician to install a transformer and wiring for the device. Visit https://www.tech-help-support.com/adt-doorbell-installation/

Once the wiring is connected, attach the ADT doorbell to the bracket and ensure it’s securely in place. Power the system on and follow the setup instructions provided in the ADT app or on the device’s screen. The app will guide you through the steps to connect the doorbell to your Wi-Fi network, allowing you to start monitoring from your smartphone or other devices. Once the doorbell is connected, test it by pressing the button and verifying that the video and audio feed are working properly.

ADT Doorbell Not Working

If your ADT doorbell isn’t working, it can be frustrating, but there are several potential reasons behind the issue. First, ensure that the doorbell is properly connected to your home Wi-Fi network. A poor or disconnected Wi-Fi connection is one of the most common causes of malfunction. If your Wi-Fi signal is weak, consider moving your router closer to the doorbell or using a Wi-Fi extender to improve the signal strength.

Another common issue is insufficient power. If your ADT doorbell is wired, check the voltage at the doorbell’s wiring to ensure it matches the recommended range for the device. If the doorbell is battery-operated, verify that the battery is charged or replace it with a new one. Sometimes, a firmware update may also cause temporary glitches, so check the ADT app to see if there are any available updates for your doorbell. Visit https://www.tech-help-support.com/adt-doorbell-not-working/

Finally, if the doorbell is still not working, it may be due to a malfunction or hardware issue. In this case, a factory reset may resolve the problem. Consult the user manual for the specific instructions on how to reset your ADT doorbell to its original settings.

ADT Doorbell Support

If troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the problem, you may need to reach out to ADT doorbell support. ADT provides a dedicated customer service team to assist with technical issues. You can contact them via phone, email, or through the ADT app for real-time assistance. They can help with issues such as software glitches, setup problems, or even hardware malfunctions.

Before contacting ADT doorbell support, make sure you have all necessary information on hand, such as your device’s model number, your account details, and a description of the problem you’re experiencing. This will help support agents quickly diagnose the issue and offer a resolution. If a technical issue requires an in-person service visit, ADT may send a technician to inspect the device or perform a repair. Visit https://www.tech-help-support.com/adt-doorbell-support/

Additionally, ADT’s online support center offers guides, FAQs, and troubleshooting videos to help you resolve common problems. Whether it’s a connectivity issue, a technical glitch, or you just need help with the installation, ADT’s support team is there to ensure your doorbell is functioning properly and securely.

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